TV Shows That Went Too Far Then Got Cancelled

You can get away with a lot on television these days, but there are still plenty of examples of TV shows that went too far. The definitions of obscene and inappropriate have relaxed a lot since television shows were first created. If you transported someone from the 1950s to watch today’s television, they would be shocked and outraged by the amount of cursing you can get away with!

Still, even modern television has its rules. Today, American television, radio, and cable are all monitored by the Federal Communications Commission. It was founded in 1934 by President Franklin D. Roosevelt, and the organization has been governing television ever since. Of course, the definition of inappropriate has changed a lot over the years, and the FCC has become more relaxed over time. While many sitcoms and reality TV shows will do their best to sneak dirty jokes through the watchful eyes of FCC, there are just some things that go too far.

At the same time, while television has become more relaxed in some ways, we’ve also set a higher standard in others. For example, there are many older TV shows which used racist caricatures, something that would never fly today. As the world changes, people are finally recognizing that certain words, jokes, and actions can be extremely offensive, and even harmless, to other groups of people.

Television has also imposed more strict safety guidelines, both for the people involved on set, as well as any animals that might be involved.

Even with the rules we have, alongside more subtle rules of what’s considered socially acceptable, there will always be people who try and get away with as much as they can. In today’s video, we’re going to look at 6 times that TV shows took things too far.

Make sure you stick around until the very end, where we’ll reveal a TV show so tasteless that it was canceled after just the pilot. We hope you like this video, and don’t forget to subscribe to Facts Verse for more!
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