10 Funniest UK ads of the 70s

There aren’t many funny ads these days – but there were back in the 70s. Here are 10 from the UK, where agencies CDP and BMP held sway. Dates are a bit vague:
1. PG Tips ‘Mr Shifter’ – Davidson Pearce, 1971
2. Benson & Hedges Small Cigars ‘Istanbul’ – CDP, 1972
3. Nescafe Fine Blend ‘Tap’ – Don’t know the agency, 1974
4. Smash ‘Martians’ – BMP, 1974
5. Parker Pens “Finishing School’ – CDP, 1976
6. Heineken ‘Caesar Water-skiing’ – CDP, 1978
7. John Smith’s Bitter ‘Hikers’ – BMP, 1978
8. Dry Cane ‘Ashtray’ – BMP, 1978
9. Cinzano ‘Tiger’ – CDP, 1979
10. Campari ‘Luton Airport’ – JWT, 1979

Interesting that 7 of them are for drinks of one sort or another.


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