Stonehenge Resurrection

This is a virtual reconstruction of Stonehenge using visual and acoustic digital modelling, created by Rupert Till and his project team.

The visual 3D model uses photogrammetric scan data obtained from English Heritage, point clouds that have been stitched together, surfaced, textured, and animated. This is work in progress, final changes are being made to make the environment more realistic, which will affect elements such as the grass, sky, sun and mist. The film was directed by Rupert Till along with modelling work by other staff at the University of Huddersfield including Ertu Unver and Andrew Taylor and members of Canalside Studios. You approach the site up the ceremonial avenue on the solstice at sunset. The sun sets and the lighting effects move forward quickly through a whole 24 hours until the sun again rises. The visual modelling also shows what the stone circle might have looked at in different earlier phases of its development and construction, as far back as 5000 years ago (3000BC).

The beginning sequence as you approach Stonehenge features realistic digital acoustic modelling, recreating what might would have sounded like as you walked up the avenue towards Stonehenge and into the centre. The sequence at the end moving from the centre out again also features accurate acoustic modelling, in between some of the different acoustic effects are explored. Sound sources you will hear include reconstructions of prehistoric TRB clay drums from the same period Stonehenge was created, sampled and sequenced; a reconstruction of the prehistoric Wilsford Flute found near Stonehenge; recordings of bluestone lithophones from the source of the Stonehenge bluestones in Wales; and low frequencies representing Stonehenge’s subsonic resonances.

More information is available at


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